the first published work from author kristen harris moore--

soft glows

poems for my baby

a love like no one knows

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about soft glows

soft glows: poems for my baby, a love like no one knows is a collection of poems ​written in the late-night depths of early motherhood about the earth-moving ​adoration of a mother. mourning each moment passed, celebrating each to come ​and those already here, this is a book mothers of all ages will relate to. the messy, ​magical, melodious dance of motherhood flutters through every page. this is the first ​published work of long-time writer and first-time mother, Kristen Harris Moore.

Pen One Line Drawing

about the author

kristen harris moore is a first-time mother doing her very best. she ​was born and raised in rural oklahoma, and still resides there today ​with her husband and son. being a mother has introduced new ​purpose in her life — it all became technicolor when her beloved ​baby was born. she has loved to read and write since she was young ​and has long dreamed of publishing books of her own. in her free ​time, she enjoys being outdoors, listening to music and going to ​concerts and festivals, baking, and laughing a lot. she finds it ​awkward to write in the third person.

Kristen Harris Moore

contact kristen

i’m really nice!

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© Kristen Harris Moore, ​2024

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